姻緣 jan1 jyun4 – Destiny
Love and cherish yourself and you will meet someone who appreciates you
出外 ceot1 ngoi6 – Travel
There will be a surprise, remember to bring a reusable tote bag when out *specifically the SCL Tiger Gala Tote bag for best luck in 2022!
家運 gaa1 wan6 – Family
Harmony is the most prized, take turns to do the dishes
功名 gung1 ming4 – Achievement
Do everything yourself and you will succeed
求財 kau4 coi4 – Money
Less before more
健康 gin6 hong1 – Health
Moisturize your skin
一字記之曰 jat1 zi6 gei3 zi1 joek6 – Word of the Day
靜 zing6 – Calm