Transcript {“title”:””,”content”:”\r\n9\r\n00:00:34,500 –> 00:00:36,340\r\nA long long time ago,\r\n喺好耐,好耐之前,\r\n\r\n10\r\n00:00:36,340 –> 00:00:38,340\r\nthere was a type of mythical beast in Ancient China.\r\n中國古代有一種怪獸,\r\n\r\n11\r\n00:00:38,340 –> 00:00:41,350\r\nIt had a really sharp horn on its head,\r\n個頭有一隻好尖嘅角,\r\n\r\n12\r\n00:00:41,350 –> 00:00:43,770\r\nand it lived deep in the ocean for long periods of time.\r\n長期係喺深海裏面住。\r\n\r\n13\r\n00:00:43,800 –> 00:00:46,060\r\nThis kind of beast was very brutal.\r\n呢種怪獸好惡㗎,\r\n\r\n14\r\n00:00:46,060 –> 00:00:52,360\r\nEven though it lived in the depths of the ocean, \r\nit would come ashore every year and approach the nearest village to eat the villagers and their livestock.\r\n雖然住喺深海度,\r\n但係每年都會上岸去\r\n附近一帶既村莊度食村民同畜生。\r\n\r\n15\r\n00:00:52,360 –> 00:00:55,820\r\nIt would let out a “Niiin~” sound,\r\n佢會發出「年~~」嘅聲,\r\n\r\n16\r\n00:00:55,820 –> 00:00:59,030\r\nwhich is why the villagers called this beast \”Nin\”.\r\n所以啲村民就叫呢種怪獸做 「年 」。\r\n\r\n17\r\n00:00:59,030 –> 00:01:03,040\r\nThis beast had ravaged the nearby villages for many years,\r\n呢隻怪獸遺害咗附近嘅村莊幾年,\r\n\r\n18\r\n00:01:03,040 –> 00:01:04,660\r\nand the villagers started to realize,\r\n啲村民就開始發覺,\r\n\r\n19\r\n00:01:05,000 –> 00:01:09,130\r\n\”Hmm… it seems like the beast comes at the same time every year!\”\r\n「咦…佢好似每年都會同一段時間嚟噉」\r\n\r\n20\r\n00:01:09,250 –> 00:01:13,880\r\nAs a result, the villagers decided to start ascending the mountains to avoid the Nin Monster.\r\n噉啲村民就開始識得上山避開隻年獸。\r\n\r\n21\r\n00:01:13,880 –> 00:01:19,510\r\nOne year, as the villagers of the Peach Blossom (Tou Fa) Village were about to climb the mountain to escape the beast once again,\r\n有一年,桃花村嘅村民\r\n又再準備上山避開隻年獸嘅時候,\r\n\r\n22\r\n00:01:20,140 –> 00:01:23,220\r\nan old beggar showed up in the village.\r\n有一位外來嘅老乞兒嚟咗條村度。\r\n\r\n23\r\n00:01:23,220 –> 00:01:26,100\r\nSince everyone was busy seeking refuge,\r\n因為人人都趕住避難,\r\n\r\n24\r\n00:01:26,100 –> 00:01:29,650\r\nwith the cattle owners herding their cattle, and shepherds herding their sheep,\r\n有牛嘅拉牛,有羊嘅趕羊,\r\n\r\n25\r\n00:01:29,650 –> 00:01:32,320\r\nthere was just no one who would stop to help the old beggar.\r\n根本無人停落嚟幫呢位老乞兒。\r\n\r\n26\r\n00:01:32,320 –> 00:01:37,160\r\nThe beggar looked for a long time before finding an old woman who was willing to give him a bit of food to eat.\r\n老乞兒揾咗好耐\r\n先有一個老太婆肯畀少少嘢佢食。\r\n\r\n27\r\n00:01:37,500 –> 00:01:40,410\r\nThe old woman told the old beggar:\r\n呢個老太婆同個老乞兒講話:\r\n\r\n28\r\n00:01:41,080 –> 00:01:46,330\r\n\”Mister Beggar, when you’re finished, please hurry up and go!\r\n「乞兒公,你食完好快啲走啦!\r\n\r\n29\r\n00:01:46,330 –> 00:01:51,340\r\nThere’s not going to be anyone left in the village tonight!”\r\n我哋今晚條村唔會有人㗎! 」\r\n\r\n30\r\n00:01:52,000 –> 00:01:53,550\r\nThe beggar responded,\r\n老乞兒就話:\r\n\r\n31\r\n00:01:53,550 –> 00:01:58,260\r\n“The whole village is in such a hurry,\r\n「你成條村咁趕,\r\n\r\n32\r\n00:01:58,260 –> 00:02:03,140\r\nare you guys going to a nearby village for a wedding feast tonight?\”\r\n今晚黑係咪過隔離村度飲喜酒啊?」\r\n\r\n33\r\n00:02:03,800 –> 00:02:06,180\r\nThe grandma sighed,\r\n老太婆嘆咗口氣話:\r\n\r\n34\r\n00:02:06,180 –> 00:02:11,360\r\n“It would be great if that were the case.\r\n「如果係噉就好喇,\r\n\r\n35\r\n00:02:11,360 –> 00:02:14,980\r\n Unfortunately not.”\r\n可惜唔係囉。」\r\n\r\n36\r\n00:02:14,980 –> 00:02:18,360\r\nThe beggar found that to be quite strange, and asked,\r\n老乞兒就覺得好奇怪,於是就問:\r\n\r\n37\r\n00:02:18,360 –> 00:02:21,570\r\n“If you aren’t going to celebrate a wedding fest,\r\n「你哋唔係去飲喜酒,\r\n\r\n38\r\n00:02:21,570 –> 00:02:26,370\r\nthen why is the whole village leaving?\”\r\n\r\n噉因乜嘢事要成條村都要離開呢?」\r\n\r\n39\r\n00:02:26,370 –> 00:02:29,210\r\nThe grandma explained,\r\n老太婆就解釋喇:\r\n\r\n40\r\n00:02:29,210 –> 00:02:33,210\r\n “Our village is next to the sea,\r\n「我哋條村就靠海,\r\n\r\n41\r\n00:02:33,210 –> 00:02:39,880\r\nand every year around this time, a beast climbs out of the ocean.\r\n每年呢段時間有一隻怪獸由個海度爬出嚟㗎,\r\n\r\n42\r\n00:02:39,880 –> 00:02:45,060\r\nAt night, if it sees livestock, it will eat up all our livestock,\r\n喺夜晚黑如果見到畜生就食畜生,\r\n\r\n43\r\n00:02:45,060 –> 00:02:49,230\r\nand if it sees people, the beast will eat them too!”\r\n\r\n如果見到人,會食人添㗎 !\r\n\r\n44\r\n00:02:50,310 –> 00:02:52,650\r\nThe beggar suddenly stopped moving his chopsticks,\r\n老乞兒對筷子突然停一停,\r\n\r\n45\r\n00:02:52,650 –> 00:02:54,860\r\nand he asked the old woman slowly,\r\n然後慢慢問老太婆:\r\n\r\n46\r\n00:02:54,860 –> 00:02:58,780\r\n“What is this beast like?”\r\n「呢隻怪獸係點㗎?」\r\n\r\n47\r\n00:02:59,000 –> 00:03:02,120\r\n“This beast is huge!\r\n「嗰隻怪獸好大隻㗎!\r\n\r\n48\r\n00:03:02,120 –> 00:03:05,540\r\nIt has an extremely pointy horn on its head\r\n佢個頭有一隻尖角,\r\n\r\n49\r\n00:03:05,540 –> 00:03:08,160\r\nand its teeth are really sharp!\r\n隻牙仲好利㗎!\r\n\r\n50\r\n00:03:08,400 –> 00:03:12,920\r\nIt eats whatever it sees in the village,\r\n見到條村有乜嘢就食乜嘢,\r\n\r\n51\r\n00:03:12,920 –> 00:03:20,000\r\nwhich is why we need to bring our pigs, cattle and sheep up the mountain to escape with us.\r\n所以我哋帶埋啲豬牛羊全部上山去避一避,\r\n\r\n52\r\n00:03:20,000 –> 00:03:24,930\r\nWe then wait for the beast to return to the ocean and only then do we go back home.\r\n等到隻年獸返返入海先返歸㗎咋!\r\n\r\n53\r\n00:03:24,930 –> 00:03:30,230\r\nFinish up your bowl of rice and come up the mountain with us!”\r\n你食埋碗飯都同我哋\r\n快啲上山去避啦!」\r\n\r\n54\r\n00:03:30,980 –> 00:03:33,860\r\nThe old beggar stroked his beard and laughed,\r\n個老乞兒一邊掃佢啲白鬍鬚,一邊笑:\r\n\r\n55\r\n00:03:34,800 –> 00:03:38,530\r\n“Madam, since you’ve been so kind as to treat me to this bowl of rice,\r\n「夫人,既然你咁好心請咗我呢碗飯,\r\n\r\n56\r\n00:03:38,530 –> 00:03:41,990\r\nhow about you let me stay here for the night,\r\n不如今晚你畀我喺度借宿一宵,\r\n\r\n57\r\n00:03:41,990 –> 00:03:45,240\r\nand I’ll help you solve this problem!”\r\n我就幫你解呢個難題啦!」\r\n\r\n58\r\n00:03:45,240 –> 00:03:47,450\r\nThe old lady said,\r\n老太婆就話:\r\n\r\n59\r\n00:03:48,080 –> 00:03:50,160\r\n“What problem?\r\n「乜嘢難題啊?\r\n\r\n60\r\n00:03:50,160 –> 00:03:54,200\r\nOnce you’re finished eating, join us and we’ll all leave together!\r\n你食完好快啲跟我哋一齊走啦!\r\n\r\n61\r\n00:03:54,200 –> 00:03:57,250\r\nLet’s not drag this on any longer.\r\n唔好再拖延時間喇,\r\n\r\n62\r\n00:03:57,250 –> 00:04:00,590\r\nIf we don’t hurry, we won’t make it in time!”\r\n如果唔係就嚟唔切㗎喇!」\r\n\r\n63\r\n00:04:02,000 –> 00:04:04,050\r\nBut the old beggar didn’t say anything more,\r\n但係老乞兒乜嘢都冇再講,\r\n\r\n64\r\n00:04:04,050 –> 00:04:06,510\r\nhe simply sat there continuing to laugh and eat.\r\n凈係一邊笑,一邊食飯。\r\n\r\n65\r\n00:04:06,510 –> 00:04:10,100\r\nNo matter how hard the old lady tried to persuade the beggar, he wouldn’t budge.\r\n老太婆點勸都勸唔到個老乞兒,\r\n\r\n66\r\n00:04:10,100 –> 00:04:14,100\r\nIn the end, she had no choice but to go up the mountain with the other villagers on her own.\r\n唯有自己同其他村民上山避難。\r\n\r\n67\r\n00:04:14,400 –> 00:04:16,230\r\nAs night approached,\r\n去到夜晚嘅時候,\r\n\r\n68\r\n00:04:16,230 –> 00:04:18,730\r\nSure enough, the Nin Monster rose from the ocean,\r\n年獸果然由個海爬咗出嚟,\r\n\r\n69\r\n00:04:18,730 –> 00:04:21,030\r\nand went to the nearby village to find things to eat.\r\n去咗條村度搵嘢食喎。\r\n\r\n70\r\n00:04:21,800 –> 00:04:23,990\r\nIt noticed the old lady’s house very quickly,\r\n佢好快就發現老太婆間屋,\r\n\r\n71\r\n00:04:23,990 –> 00:04:25,870\r\nbecause there was light coming from inside the house.\r\n因為裏面點著咗光。\r\n\r\n72\r\n00:04:25,870 –> 00:04:29,240\r\nBut as the Nin Monster approached the old lady’s house,\r\n但係當年獸走近老太婆間屋嘅時候,\r\n\r\n73\r\n00:04:29,240 –> 00:04:34,000\r\n it saw a number of large red papers that were pasted on the doors,\r\n佢見到道大門貼咗幾張大大嘅紅色紙,\r\n\r\n74\r\n00:04:34,000 –> 00:04:36,210\r\nand it didn’t dare take another step.\r\n就唔敢再行近半步喇。\r\n\r\n75\r\n00:04:37,000 –> 00:04:41,630\r\nAll of a sudden, there were loud thundering crackles and pops.\r\n突然之間有好大聲嘅霹靂啪喇霹靂啪喇!\r\n\r\n76\r\n00:04:42,000 –> 00:04:48,010\r\nThe door opened, and the Nin Monster saw the old beggar wearing a red robe and a grin,\r\n道門一打開,\r\n年獸見到老乞兒著住一件紅色嘅袍,\r\n面帶住笑容,\r\n\r\n77\r\n00:04:48,140 –> 00:04:50,140\r\nstroking his white beard,\r\n一邊喺到掃白鬍鬚,\r\n\r\n78\r\n00:04:50,140 –> 00:04:52,140\r\nwhile the firecrackers behind him thundered non-stop.\r\n\r\n而身後嘅炮仗就不停地放得好大聲。\r\n\r\n79\r\n00:04:54,800 –> 00:04:57,800\r\n[ Whimpering ]\r\n「嗚 嗚 嗚 」\r\n\r\n80\r\n00:04:57,810 –> 00:04:59,730\r\nThe Nin Monster was so frightened!\r\n隻年獸好驚啊!\r\n\r\n81\r\n00:04:59,730 –> 00:05:03,110\r\nIt couldn’t even bear to look at the old beggar again and quickly turned around and left.\r\n一眼都唔想再望個老乞兒,就即刻掉頭走喇!\r\n\r\n82\r\n00:05:03,500 –> 00:05:09,830\r\nThe next morning when the villagers returned, they realized that everything in the village was intact,\r\n第二朝早,\r\n村民返到村嘅時候就發現佢哋個家園完整無缺,\r\n\r\n83\r\n00:05:09,830 –> 00:05:13,120\r\nwith no traces of disturbance at all. How mysterious!\r\n\r\n一啲搗亂嘅痕跡都冇,好神奇啊!\r\n\r\n84\r\n00:05:13,120 –> 00:05:15,960\r\nThe old lady suddenly remembered what the beggar had said yesterday,\r\n老太婆突然記起琴日老乞兒講嘅嘢,\r\n\r\n85\r\n00:05:15,960 –> 00:05:17,790\r\nand relayed the information to the other villagers.\r\n\r\n就即刻話畀其他村民知。\r\n\r\n86\r\n00:05:17,790 –> 00:05:20,460\r\nAll the villagers then hurried to the old lady’s house,\r\n所有村民就趕去老太婆個屋企度,\r\n\r\n87\r\n00:05:20,460 –> 00:05:25,090\r\nonly to see big red papers pasted onto her doors,\r\n點知一去到,就見到門上貼咗紅當當嘅紙,\r\n\r\n88\r\n00:05:25,090 –> 00:05:29,050\r\nleftover firecrackers on the floor inside,\r\n內院嘅地上又有好多燒剩嘅炮仗,\r\n\r\n89\r\n00:05:29,050 –> 00:05:34,600\r\nand large red candles lit on the table.\r\n\r\n而屋入面嘅檯亦都有好多點著光嘅紅色蠟燭啊!\r\n\r\n90\r\n00:05:35,000 –> 00:05:38,020\r\nTurns out the old beggar really did save the entire village!\r\n原來呢個老乞兒真係救咗成條村啊!\r\n\r\n91\r\n00:05:38,500 –> 00:05:43,030\r\nKnowing that they no longer had to fear the Nin Monster anymore,\r\n啲村民知道以後唔使再怕嗰隻年獸就好開心,\r\n\r\n92\r\n00:05:43,030 –> 00:05:46,070\r\nthe villagers immediately changed into new clothes and new hats,\r\n即刻換咗佢哋啲新衫同新帽,\r\n\r\n93\r\n00:05:46,070 –> 00:05:49,240\r\nand ran into the main street to congratulate each other.\r\n走上條大街度恭喜對方。\r\n\r\n94\r\n00:05:50,070 –> 00:05:54,000\r\nThis method of scaring off the Nin Monster quickly spread to other villages,\r\n趕走年獸嘅方法就好快傳咗去其他村莊度,\r\n\r\n95\r\n00:05:54,000 –> 00:06:00,630\r\nand from that point onwards, every household would put up a red (antithetical) couplet,\r\n之後家家戶戶每年都會喺道門上貼一對紅色嘅對聯,\r\n\r\n96\r\n00:06:00,630 –> 00:06:05,340\r\nlight firecrackers, and ring in the new year on New Year’s Eve with lights all ablaze.\r\n點炮仗,年三十晚燈火通明守歲。\r\n\r\n97\r\n00:06:05,340 –> 00:06:07,800\r\nThe next morning, New Year’s Day,\r\n第二朝早,大年初一,\r\n\r\n98\r\n00:06:07,800 –> 00:06:11,050\r\nwould be the day to go wish your friends and family a Happy New Year.\r\n就會去親朋戚友恭賀新年。\r\n\r\n99\r\n00:06:11,050 –> 00:06:13,970\r\nThis custom became more and more widespread,\r\n呢個習俗越傳越廣,\r\n\r\n100\r\n00:06:13,970 –> 00:06:18,350\r\nand quickly became the most important holiday for Chinese people.\r\n好快就變成咗中國人最重要嘅節日喇。\r\n“} Quiz {“title”:””,”content”:”Loading…\r\n\r\n”}